Children who crave movement find it very difficult to concentrate when sitting still. This cushion helps to satisfy this sensory need for movement. The cushion is inflatable and is smooth on one side and has a “bumpy” tactile surface on the other side. The cushion shape helps balance, encourages proper sitting and correct posture.
Help with poor attention
Improve core strength (which is very important for lots of developmental tasks from chewing food to handwriting), also promotes postural control
Increase length of time able to tolerate sitting
Develop a better sense of balance
Movement cushions give just enough wobble and wiggle to keep children moving without being distracting to other’s around them. That movement actually gives vestibular and proprioceptive input.
The balance movement cushion can also be stood on to work on balance, sensory integration and motor coordination.
Balance movement cushion is suitable for children or adults who want a helping hand in keeping their focus and attention!
My little girl loves it .really helps to regulate when sitting doing homework and other tasks . Definitely worth it .
Balance movement cushion
I bought the balance movement cushion for my son who has Dyspraxia to use in school. He uses it on the floor under his feet as he seeks a lot of movement. He says it has really helped him. Green is alsi is favourite colour which he finds calming.
Caroline Conneely
Balance Movement Cushion
Sarah Harewood
Balance Movement Cushion
Helen Creevy
Very happy with it , all the family are using it and my son loves it 😁